Nigerian edutech platform, Olive Stacks Academy, embarked on a groundbreaking initiative on Sunday, April 7th, by inaugurating the much-anticipated 2024 Tech Skills Bootcamp. The event...
The long anticipated 2022 Zenith Bank Techfair themed: Future Forward 2.0 has commenced on Tuesday November, 22 at the Eko Hotel and Suites Lagos. The...
A group of scientists have demonstrated a strange approach on how pharmaceuticals could be synthsized from light petroleum fractions, by breaking the primary C–H bonds...
Six Canadian researchers have developed some rapid electroactive RNA-cleaving DNAzymes for the medical diagnosis of bacteria infections in few minutes. Engineering, biochemistry, and medical researchers...
The reasons why mosquitoes buzz in our ears were discovered by Michael Riehle, a professor of entomology at the University of Arizona and other researchers....
Smalley and his team of researchers who garnered national and international attention three years ago, have created a new hologram, by simulating virtual images in...
SpaceX, a rocket company owned by the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk will now accept the meme-inspired cryptocurrency dogecoin as payment. The technology billionaire in...
Oluwaseun Adekoya is an alumnus of federal university of technology Akure. He has been offered a Scholarship by the University of Cincinnati ,Ohio for a...
A new technology, which stores electrical energy in stones is called GridScale. By heating and cooling basalt, crushed to tiny pea-sized stones in sets of...